Planning Application Details

Aylesbury Vale District Council - 22/03465/ATC

22/03465/ATC | Tree - Conservation Area

Park Cottage Lower Hartwell Stone Buckinghamshire HP17 8NR

Park Cottage, Lower Hartwell, Aylesbury, HP17 8NR: Tree Ref: 08063 ??? Mature Apple ??? Requires work due to hazardous failed branches - Crown clean to remove failed branch???s at 3m and 5m prune back to suitable growth points. Tree Ref: 0609 ??? Early Mature Apple ??? Requires deadwood removing and reshaping - Remove dead top back to suitable growth point and reduce crown by up to 1m all around (reshape to look better). Tree Ref: 0610 ??? Semi Mature Plum ??? Plum with crown dieback that???s 50% dead ??? Crown clean to remove all deadwood and reduce and reshape remaining live branches. Hartwell Cottage, Oxford Road, Hartwell, Aylesbury, HP17 8QG: Tree Ref: 08999 ??? Two Early Mature Sycamore ??? Dangerous Trees growing towards road with exposed lifted roots on property side ??? Fell 2 marked trees at waist height. Tree Ref: 02624 ??? Holly, Laburnum, Hawthorn, and Yew ??? Lower branches encroaching onto driveway ??? Group of 4 trees from tagged holly to yew by the garage. Sever and clear ivy from ground to 1.5m on all trees and crown lift driveway side only to 2.5m.

Local Authority
Aylesbury Vale District Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Tree - Conservation Area)
Approved (Consent - Trees - Proceed immediately)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Garage
