Planning Application Details

Barnet London Borough - 18/1901/NAC

18/1901/NAC | Neighbouring Authority Consultation

Former Palace Of Arts And Industry Engineers Way Wembley HA9

Minor Material Amendment to vary the wording of Condition 4 (Plans) of planning permission reference 14/3054 (dated 21 October 2014) for an outline application for the demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide up to 160,000sqm of mixed use floorspace. (See previous application record for full description of development). The minor material changes sought are to create a new south facing public square fronting Engineers Way, to increase the height of the previously approved main building from 88.5m to 100m AOD, the reduction of the length of the previously approved block plan, changes to the massing of the previously approved building form, the creation of a collonaded single storey pavillion building along Olympic Way, increased basement level, and the provision of pedestrian and public realm improvements, and a bridge link to Brent Civic Centre. (18/0968)

Local Authority
Barnet London Borough
Other (Neighbouring Authority Consultation)
Approved (No objection)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Amendment Development
