Planning Application Details

Barnet London Borough - 22/0495/S73

22/0495/S73 | Vary/Remove condition/Minor Mtl Amnd

1 Lambert Road (Land To Rear Of 1 Lambert Road) London N12 9ER

Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) of planning permission reference 17/6131/FUL dated 16/02/2018 for 'Demolition of existing garages and erection of a two-storey building to provide 2no self-contained units. Associated private amenity space and refuse.' Variation to include relocation of boundary between two external amenity spaces and changes to the design of the balustrades to the first floor balconies from brick to steel balusters

Local Authority
Barnet London Borough
Other (Vary/Remove condition/Minor Mtl Amnd)
Approved (Approve following legal agreement)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Boundary
