Planning Application Details

Barnet London Borough - 22/3428/NMA

22/3428/NMA | Non Material Amendment

St Marys The Virgin Church of England Church Church Hill Road Barnet

Non-material amendments to planning permission reference 18/0800/FUL dated 30/09/20 for 'Single storey extension with pitched roof including a main hall, meeting room, kitchen, 2no wcs, mezzanine level and rooms in roofspace to create an archive room and storage space to provide a new church hall to South elevation. Associated alterations to hard and soft landscaping including reduction in height of entrance door, relevelling of entrance gradient, replacement of main access ramp, and relevelling and new tarmac surfacing to existing secondary ramp to graveyard. Extension and repair to existing pathway including insertion of exit ramps to external courtyard and removal of trees.' Amendments include; Replacement of a window with a door to the south elevation; Removal of Brise Soleil to East and West Elevations; Amendments to all rooflights

Local Authority
Barnet London Borough
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Amendment)
Approved (Approve)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Roof Landscaping Windows Trees
