Planning Application Details

Barnet London Borough - 23/1461/NMA

23/1461/NMA | Non Material Amendment

Unit 4 Hyde Estate Road London NW9 6JX

Non-material amendments to planning permission reference 19/4661/FUL dated 31/07/20 for 'Full planning application for the comprehensive phased redevelopment of existing supermarket site comprising phased demolition of existing store and Petrol Filling Station and construction of a mixed use development comprising a replacement Sainsburys store of 8,998 sqm GIA (Use Class A1), 1,309 residential units (Use Class C3) and 951 sqm GIA flexible commercial space (Use Class A1 to A4, B1, D1 and D2) in buildings ranging from 4 to 28 storeys. Enabling works phase to comprise demolition of PFS, amendments to existing supermarket including the construction of new temporary entrance, highways works, amendments to car park and access arrangements and other associated works. Phase 1 to comprise construction of new supermarket including basement, car and cycle parking, plant and servicing areas, 770 residential units and podium level amenity space. Phase 2 to comprise the demolition of existing supermarket and other associated works, 539 residential units, flexible commercial space, basement, car and cycle parking, public open space, landscaping, vehicular and pedestrian routes, servicing and access arrangements and other associated works. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement (and an Environmental Statement Addendum).' Amendments include: Amendments to the brick pier projections / window reveals; Replacement of aluminium slab edge details with high quality brickwork; Rationalisation of balconies / balustrade detailing; Amendments to the inset soffit

Local Authority
Barnet London Borough
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Amendment)
Approved (Approve)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Construction Development Landscaping Windows Residential
