Planning Application Details

Barnet London Borough - 23/2571/NMA

23/2571/NMA | Non Material Amendment

Grahame Park Estate (Plot A) Colindale London NW9 5XA

Non-material amendments to planning permission reference 19/5493/OUT dated 31/07/20 for 'Hybrid planning application for the demolition of 630 residential units and existing commercial, retail and community floorspace, and the phased redevelopment of Plots 10-12 of Grahame Park comprising a full planning application for the redevelopment of Plot A and an outline planning application for the redevelopment of Plots B to Q for up to 2,088 residential units and up to 5,950sqm (GEA) of flexible non-residential floorspace. Full planning permission is sought for the demolition of 113 existing homes and the redevelopment of Plot A comprising the erection of 5 buildings between 3 and 11 storeys to provide 209 new homes and 440sqm (GEA) of non-residential floorspace (Use Class A1, A2, A3, B1), landscape, public open space and public realm, associated car parking, cycle spaces and other associated works. Outline planning permission (scale, layout, landscaping and appearance reserved) for the demolition of 517 existing residential units, buildings and structures on Plots B to Q, and the redevelopment of the site in a series of phases to provide up to 1,879 new homes and up to 5,510sqm (GEA) of non-residential floorspace within classes A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, D1 and D2 including a community centre and childrens day nursery in buildings ranging in height from 3 storeys to 15 storeys, with associated public open space, hard and soft landscaping, public realm, car parking spaces, and cycle parking spaces, stopping up and diversion of Lanacre Avenue and associated works.' Amendments include internal and external changes including; Removal of louvres; Adjustment to substation and gas meter room door; Increase visibility of dry risers; Changes to external finishes and materials; extension to podium railing; Removal of raised tables; Replace wall with railing; Alterations to car park layout; Introduction of bollards; Retention of existing sculpture; New footpath; Relocation of planters

Local Authority
Barnet London Borough
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Amendment)
Approved (Approve)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Landscaping Residential Shop
