Planning Application Details

Barnet London Borough - TPP/0540/23

TPP/0540/23 | Works to TPO trees

155 Friern Barnet Lane London N20 0NP

1 x Mature Eucalyptus (applicans ref. T1) - Approximately 10.00m. Fell to as near to ground level as is practicable and treat stump with system herbicide. Reason: This tree is in a rather hazardous condition. It has been partially cut through near to ground level. It should be felled as soon as is reasonably practicable. If left, the tree will quickly be too dangerous to climb. Standing in Area A1 of Tree Preservation Order. Row of Mature Leyland Cypress (applicants ref. G1) - Reduce lateral and sub lateral branch structure growing towards the house but retain a suitable amount of viable furnishing growth to maintain healthy, live branches. Reason: General maintenance to control encroachment and ensure continued light levels into the centre of the trees. Standing in Area A1 of Tree Preservation Order.

Local Authority
Barnet London Borough
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Works to TPO trees)
(Trees: Application not required)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees House
