Planning Application Details

Brentwood Borough Council - 17/01372/COND/2

17/01372/COND/2 | Discharge of Conditions

Richborough Court Coptfold Road Brentwood Essex

Discharge of conditions 3 (Details of proposed windows, parapet, rainwater goods, railings and baulstrade, and planting), and 5 (Details of materials) of application 17/01372/FUL (Conversion of existing offices (B1a) to residential (C3), adding one additional floor level and extension to rear, to include 8 No. dwellings and associated undercroft parking, private and communal amenity terraces and refuse/cycle stores).

Local Authority
Brentwood Borough Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Discharge of Conditions)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Extension Conversion Dwelling Windows Residential Discharge Office
