Planning Application Details

Bristol City Council - 20/05604/COND

20/05604/COND | Approval/Discharge of conditions

Redcross Village (Formerly Perrett House) Redcross Street Bristol BS2 0BB

Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 (Landscaping Scheme) and 5 (Samples panels of all external finishing materials) of permission 19/00582/X, which approved the extensions and re-modelling of the existing 4 no. storey building to provide an additional 31 no. (C3) residential dwellings (63 no. in total) including affordable housing provision, associated landscaping, car parking and cycle storage, dedicated refuse and recycling store and further associated works. (Major)

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Approval/Discharge of conditions)
(Condition application decided)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Dwelling Landscaping Residential
