Planning Application Details

Bristol City Council - 21/02471/X

21/02471/X | Variation/Deletion of a Condition

Plot ND6 Temple Quay Avon Street Bristol BS2 0ZZ

Application for the variation of condition No. 4 (General Arrangement Plan for Highway Works) following grant of planing application 17/04673/F (APP/Z0116/W/18/3210502) for the erection of a 6- to 11-storey building comprising 120 no. (PRS - privately rented sector), residential units (1-, 2- and 3-bed), 524 sqm of flexible commercial floorspace (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, B1a, D1 or D2) at ground floor level and associated development, including landscaping, public realm, bin storage, plant areas and cycle parking (Major application). Permission sought to vary the wording of Condition 4

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation/Deletion of a Condition)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Development Landscaping Residential
