Planning Application Details

Bristol City Council - 22/05261/NMA

22/05261/NMA | Non-material amendment

Romney House Romney Avenue Bristol BS7 9TB

Application for a non material amendment for permission 20/05477/M - Application for approval of Reserved Matters following consent granted under 18/00703/P - Outline application for demolition of existing buildings/structures and comprehensive redevelopment comprising up to 268 dwellings (Use Class C3) including affordable homes, vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Romney Avenue and Hogarth Avenue, car parking, public open space, landscaping and other associated works. Approval sought of Access and Layout. (Major Application) - now proposed to consider detailed layout, appearance, landscaping and scale (cross boundary application with South Gloucestershire Council). Submission of updated sustainability statement to include GSHPs in place of ASHPs at the apartments

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-material amendment)
(Non material amendment - agreed)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Amendment Dwelling Landscaping Flat Boundary
