Planning Application Details

Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council - 21/04102/S73

21/04102/S73 | Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition

Lancaster House Capper Road Waterbeach Cambridgeshire CB25 9LY

S73 to vary condition 2 (drawings) of planning permission ref: 20/01154/S73 (Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans), 10 (parking layout plan) and 16 (plant) of planning permission S/3865/17/FL that include the following changes: to revise site level, detailing on houses (fenestration, door apertures and design, removal of chimneys and projections), detailing on flats (terrace screening, fenestration and enlargement at second floor) and detailing on foodstore (fenestration, louvres and canopy alterations, addition of fire door).

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Variation Windows Flat
