Planning Application Details

Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council - 21/05388/S73

21/05388/S73 | Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition

1 Turnbridge Court Swavesey CB24 4GH

S73 to vary condition 2 - drawings of ref: 20/02502/HFUL (Two storey side extension, single storey rear/side extension, single storey side extension and porch) comprising the following amendments: 1. Bin store area replaced with residential space as a continuation of the single storey side extension. Roof height and pitch to match. 2. Number of window sashes per opening reduced and glazing bars at front removed. 3. Main bathroom obscured window and front door obscured side lights slightly wider. 4. Porch wall aligned with main house and toothed in matching brickwork.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Roof Windows Residential House
