Planning Application Details

Cheltenham Borough Council - 20/00875/TPO

20/00875/TPO | Tree Preservation Order

Lochaline Noverton Lane Prestbury Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL52 5BB

T1 - Yew - trim away from house by 1m and crown lift by 1-2ft. T2- Silver Maple - 10-15% crown clean and thin. T3 - Yew - crown lift. T4 - Horse Chestnut - reduce by approximately 1m all around. T5 and T6 - Horse Chestnut and Sycamore - reduce by approx 1-2m all around and cut back off main road

Local Authority
Cheltenham Borough Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Tree Preservation Order)
Approved (Permit)
Application Validated
Trees House
