Planning Application Details

City of London - 22/00867/FULMAJ

22/00867/FULMAJ | Full Major Application

20 Giltspur Street London EC1A 9DD

Alteration and extension of the existing building for commercial use to include: (i) additional office floorspace (Use Class Eg) through infill extensions at upper levels and projecting north and east facade extensions above ground level; (ii) creation of two flexible commercial units (Class Ea/b/c/d/g) at ground floor; (iii) altered and additional entrances; (iv) creation of office amenity terraces and altered plant enclosures; (v) facade alterations including urban greening; (vi) landscaping; and (vii) associated works including the provision of improved access to the Scheduled Monument at basement level.

Local Authority
City of London
Full planning consent (Full Major Application)
Approved (Approved)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Landscaping Office
