Planning Application Details

City of London - 22/01207/FULL

22/01207/FULL | Full Planning Permission

Alban Gate 125 & 130 London Wall London EC2Y 5AS

Extensions and alterations to include: the formation of terrace areas at level 7, alteration of office entrances and facades at ground and podium level to include the addition of mesh panels to the ground floor facade, removal of glazing on elevations to Wood Street and Monkwell Square and the creation of balconies from podium to level 18, reconfiguration Class E uses at ground and podium level; change of use of former wine bar from Sui Generis Use to Use Class E; provision of pop up space at podium level for retail / leisure; alteration of Alban Highwalk City Walkway and declaration of new areas of City Walkway; new access arrangements to include the replacement of escalators to Wood Street South with new stairwell; removal of escalators to Wood Street North and insertion of new lift for public use; infill of office atria; associated hard and soft landscaping to include revision of cycle parking and associated works.

Local Authority
City of London
Full planning consent (Full Planning Permission)
Withdrawn (Withdrawn)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Landscaping Office Shop
