Planning Application Details

City of Westminster - 21/08549/OBS

21/08549/OBS | Application for obs to adj boroughs

Plot H1 Elephant Park, Land Bounded By Walworth Road, Elephant Road, Deacon Street And Sayer Street North London London Borough Of Southwark

Redevelopment of the site to provide an 18-storey building (including a mezzanine floor) plus basement and rooftop plant of a maximum height of 85.73m AOD providing 48,960sqm GEA office floorspace (Class E(g)(i)) and 8,777sqm GEA areas of floorspace for the following flexible uses; office/retail/services/food and drink/medical or health floorspace (Class E(g)(i), E(a), E(c), E(b) or E(e)), including ancillary cycle parking, accessible car parking, servicing, plant, roof terraces,landscaping, public realm improvements and other associated works incidental to the development (such as revising the layout of Deacon Street). The application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement submitted pursuant to the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. AMENDMENTS with supporting documents, further Environmental Statement information and an ES statement of conformity. Changes include a revised façade design for the northern and western elevations (incorporating four terraces and 'creases' to step the facades), reduction of 628sqm GEA, landscaping alterations, further information on a health hub, sustainability matters and drainage strategy. Amended red line along the Castle Square boundary.

Local Authority
City of Westminster
Other (Application for obs to adj boroughs)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Roof Development Landscaping Office Shop Boundary
