Planning Application Details

City of Westminster - 23/03115/LBC

23/03115/LBC | Listed Building Consent Application

Egyptian House 170-173 Piccadilly London W1J 9EJ

Internal alterations and external alterations including refurbishment of the existing windows and the introduction of slimline double-glazed units into the existing frames; limited window replacement on rear elevation; extension to rear mansard roofslope; replacement of roof level plant and installation of plant screen; infill of redundant lightwells to all office floors; façade refurbishment works; and improvements at basement level to provide end of Trip facilities including showers and bike storage, introduction of a dry riser to the façade of 172 Piccadilly; replacement of five windows and doors to the rear elevation so they align with the terrace works approved under RN 23/015211/LBC and RN 23/01520/FULL (SIte includes 169 Piccadilly)

Local Authority
City of Westminster
Listed building consent (Listed Building Consent Application)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Roof Windows Office
