Planning Application Details

City of Westminster - 23/06879/NMA

23/06879/NMA | Non-material amendments

Dev Site At 19-35 Baker Street, 88-110 George Street, 69-71 Blandford Street And 30 Gloucester Place London

Amendments to planning permission dated 1st October 2021 (RN:20/06914/FULL) for Variation of conditions 1, 31 and 35 of planning permission dated 4 March 2020 (RN 19/06767/FULL) (amended by 20/05397/NMA) which permitted the following development : Demolition of the existing buildings at 19-35 Baker Street, 88-110 George Street, 69-71 Blandford Street and redevelopment to create a mixed use scheme providing commercial uses and up to 51 residential units within a new ground plus nine storey building (and an enclosed plant area) on Baker Street; a new stepped ground plus four to ground plus six storey building on George Street; refurbishment, extension and the change of use of the first floor from office to residential at 30 Gloucester Place; creation of a single storey basement level linking the Baker Street and George Street buildings to provide car and cycle parking, refuse and servicing; creation of a new central, publicly accessible courtyard; removal of 5 trees and replacement trees across the site, a new publicly accessible route at ground level connecting Baker Street and Gloucester Place; associated plant, landscaping, replacement pavements in part and other associated works. Namely, amendments to rooflights at Level 5 and 6 of the George Street residential building, and minor elevations alterations.

Local Authority
City of Westminster
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-material amendments)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Demolition Variation Development Landscaping Residential Trees Office
