Planning Application Details

Cotswold District Council - 20/01852/REM

20/01852/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Land Parcel At Severalls Field Parkway Siddington Gloucestershire

Reserved matters pursuant to Outline permission granted at Appeal under LPA ref. 15/05165/OUT (Erection of up to 88 dwellings, to include vehicular access off Park Way; new pedestrian and cycle links to the wider area; improvements to Siddington School; including improved access facilities and the erection of a new purpose built school hall; a solar park; ecological enhancements; strategic landscaping; and associated infrastructure) for the provision of internal layout, internal road layout and parking, appearance and scale of house type designs, landscaping strategy, drainage strategy, ecology strategy and renewable energy strategy

Local Authority
Cotswold District Council
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permit)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Dwelling Landscaping House
