Planning Application Details

Croydon Council - 20/03489/CONR

20/03489/CONR | Removal of Condition

20 Smitham Bottom Lane Purley CR8 3DA

Variation of Conditions 1 (plans), 2 (materials), 5 (details) and 10 (CLP) 18/05408/FUL (demolition of existing dwelling. Erection of two storey building with accommodation in the roof space and single storey building with accommodation in the roof space at the rear to provide a total of 9 units as well as associated refuse and cycle stores, landscaping, vehicular access and car parking) Addition of a front porch, alterations to the external materials, alterations to windows and internal alterations

Local Authority
Croydon Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Removal of Condition)
Refused (Permission Refused)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Roof Dwelling Landscaping Windows Accommodation
