Planning Application Details

Croydon Council - 20/04290/OUT

20/04290/OUT | Outline planning permission

112 Pampisford Road Purley CR8 2NF

Outline planning permission for the demolition of existing two storey dwellinghouse (including side garage) and erection of a part three; part four storey (including excavation) building comprising 7 self-contained flats to the front and a two storey semi-detached pair of dwellings to the rear; reinstatement of existing crossover and creation of new crossover to facilitate forecourt car parking; cycle and refuse provision, hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatment; land level alterations; communal/private/play amenity space and external alterations (Access, Layout, Scale).

Local Authority
Croydon Council
Outline planning consent (Outline planning permission)
Refused (Permission Refused)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Demolition Dwelling Landscaping Flat Garage Boundary
