Planning Application Details

Croydon Council - 21/03459/OUT

21/03459/OUT | Outline planning permission

112 Pampisford Road Purley CR8 2NF

Outline planning permission for the demolition of existing two storey dwellinghouse (including side garage) and erection of a part three; part four storey (including excavation) building comprising 5 self-contained flats to the front and 4 self-contained flats to the rear; reinstatement of existing crossover and creation of new crossover to facilitate forecourt car parking; cycle and refuse provision, hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatment; land level alterations; communal/private/play amenity space and external alterations (Access, Layout, Design, Scale); all other matters reserved (Landscape).

Local Authority
Croydon Council
Outline planning consent (Outline planning permission)
(Not Determined application)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Demolition Dwelling Landscaping Flat Garage Boundary
