Planning Application Details

Croydon Council - 23/01729/CONR

23/01729/CONR | Removal of Condition

20 - 24 Mayday Road Thornton Heath CR7 7HL

Variation (section 73 application) to planning permission 21/05412/FUL granted for demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site to provide 3 no. replacement buildings ranging from one to five storeys in height, comprising 57 new dwellings, with associated access, parking and landscaping. Further explanation (not forming part of the formal description of development set out above): This proposal is for minor internal/external alterations; increase the proportion of 3 bed units by 6 with no change in the overall number of units; introduction of a completely private scheme with no affordable housing provision.

Local Authority
Croydon Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Removal of Condition)
(Appeal Contested - (grounds of appeal))
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Demolition Variation Development Dwelling Landscaping
