Planning Application Details

Darlington Borough Council - 19/01072/OUT

19/01072/OUT | Outline Application

Land North Of Burtree Lane DARLINGTON

Outline application for residential development comprising up to 150 dwellings with all matters reserved except for means of access - a roundabout on Burtree Lane (revised Flood Risk Assessment received 20 December 2019; amended Travel Plan received 18 February 2020; additional archaeological report received 17 March 2020; amended plans received 24 March 2020; amended Ecology Report received 24 April 2020; amended plans and Transport Assessment received 18 May 2020; amended plan received 4th November 2020)

Local Authority
Darlington Borough Council
Outline planning consent (Outline Application)
Refused (Refused)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Dwelling Residential
