Planning Application Details

Derby City Council - 22/01854/NONM

22/01854/NONM | Non-Material Amendment

90 Normanton Road Derby DE1 2GH

Demolition of three buildings. Erection of a three storey commercial building to create planning class use E(d) indoor recreation, E(b) sales of food and drink and retention of the existing Use Class E(a,b,c). Re-cladding and installation of a new window to rear block and alteration to elevational treatment. - Non-material amendment to previously approved planning permission Code No. 21/01036/FUL to allow alterations to the front and side elevations to gain pedestrian access to rear

Local Authority
Derby City Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment)
Approved (Approval)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Demolition Amendment Windows
