Planning Application Details

Ealing Council - 210009OUT

210009OUT | Outline Application

High Lane Estate Hobbayne Road Hanwell W7 3RJ

Hybrid planning application for the comprehensive phased residential led mixed-use redevelopment of the High Lane Estate for up to 53,047 sqm GEA of floorspace, including residential floorspace (Use Class C3) (indicative 505 homes), up to 96 GEA sqm of shop/café floorspace (Use Classes E), up to 95.5 GEA sqm of community floorspace (Use Class F.2), up to 41sqm GEA of substation and an energy centre of up to 207 sqm GEA comprising: Full planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and structures (Phase 1) to provide residential floorspace (Use Class C3), retail floorspace (Use Class E) and community floorspace (Use Class F.2), cycle and vehicle parking, refuse and recycling storage, highway and access improvements, amenity space, landscape and public realm improvements, an energy centre and a new substation; and, Outline planning permission (Phases 2 and 3) for the demolition of existing buildings and structures to provide residential floorspace (Use Class C3), retail floorspace (Use Class E) and community floorspace (Use Class F.2), cycle and vehicle parking, refuse and recycling storage, highway and access improvements, amenity space, landscape and public realm improvements and a new substation with all matters reserved.

Local Authority
Ealing Council
Outline planning consent (Outline Application)
Approved (Grant with S106 Obligations)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Landscaping Residential Shop
