Planning Application Details

East Devon District Council - 22/2307/MRES

22/2307/MRES | Major - Reserved Matters app.

Land At Cranbrook Town Centre Broadclyst

Application seeking approval of the reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the enlargement of the existing surface water basin 2c and resulting amendments to the neighbouring footpaths and the construction of a new surface water feature with associated infrastructure and engineering works (Including ground modelling) and landscaping. This is a subsequent application in respect of permission 03/P1900 which was accompanied by an Environmental Statement and seeks the discharge of the relevant conditions of the outline permission (6, 14, 17 and 20.).

Local Authority
East Devon District Council
Reserved matters (Major - Reserved Matters app.)
Approved (Approval with conditions)
Application Validated
Construction Landscaping Discharge
