Planning Application Details

East Suffolk Council - DC/20/3782/TCA

DC/20/3782/TCA | Works to Trees in Conservation Area

Proposed Flat 1 Former South Beach Mansion Bent Hill Felixstowe Suffolk

Fell T1, T2 & T3 Sycamore. These 3 trees are growing on, or adjacent the retaining wall that borders / forms the boundary between South Beach Mansion and the Pram Walk. The wall is an integral part of the designed Victorian landscape / setting, whereas the trees have naturally generated and are likely to damage the wall, either as a result of secondary thickening of stems / buttress roots, or root plate failure, resulting in a tree breaking part of the wall as it falls. T1 also has a significant lean that has an over-bearing and oppressive effect on the frontage courtyard to South Beach Mansion. T2, is growing out of the wall and appears to be forming buttressing that is reliant on the wall structure, rather than surrounding ground. T3 has partially compromised buttress roots relating to the path edging structure. T3 is in poor physiological condition, with sparse crown, stunted foliage and die-back. T1 also has sparse upper-canopy growth.

Local Authority
East Suffolk Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Works to Trees in Conservation Area)
Approved (No Objections)
Application Received
Application Validated
Landscaping Trees Boundary
