Planning Application Details

East Suffolk Council - DC/21/0822/TCA

DC/21/0822/TCA | Works to Trees in Conservation Area

The Retreat High Street Yoxford Suffolk IP17 3EU

Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria Araucariaceae) and Evergreen Oak Tree (Quercus ilex) in the front garden of The Retreat. The Monkey Puzzle is so large that if it fell during a storm there would be significant damage to any of the 4 houses that surround it. It sheds branches in windy weather. We would like to remove the whole tree. We have spoken with a tree surgeon and he advises that removal would be a good solution. The Evergreen Oak is large, heavy, diseased and unbalanced. About 15% overhangs the public pavement and the High Street (A1120) and if the diseased bough fell during a storm there would be significant hazard to road users. About 40% is angled towards 2 neighbouring houses and if this bough fell during a storm there would be significant damage to one or both houses. We would like to pollard the tree by removing the heavy overbalanced parts of both the main boughs.

Local Authority
East Suffolk Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Works to Trees in Conservation Area)
Approved (No Objections)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Shed
