Planning Application Details

East Suffolk Council - DC/23/3232/AME

DC/23/3232/AME | Non-material Amendment

Land At Candlet Road Felixstowe Suffolk

Non Material Amendment of DC/20/1002/ARM - Approval of Reserved Matters and Discharge of Condition 18 relating to Outline Planning Consent (PP/J3530/W/15/3138710 - DC/15/1128/OUT) - Phase 1 - Residential (255 Dwellings, open space and supporting services and infrastructure), land off Candlet Road, Felixstowe. Brick Changes Proposals include changing plots previously approved as the Brecon Buff to a buff and red brick more readily available, as the previously approved Brecon is currently unavailable. As directed by our sales team, proposals include introducing red brick units instead of buff to provide an alternative sales point and street scene, as a long stretch of buff units was previously constructed for plots 93-103. This is thought to break up the large stretch of buff units previously approved, which we are looking to avoid from a sales perspective. This NMA proposes changing plots 251, 252 and 253 from Brecon Buff to Riven Hovingham and changing plots 248, 249, 254, 255 from Brecon Buff to Cusworth Riven (both bricks previously approved for other units). Changes are shown on the attached document submitted titled 956-P-152 Materials Schedule Rev R, which will replace the materials schedule previously approved titled 956-P-152 Materials Schedule Rev Q Garage Changes This NMA proposes to change the garages of plots 251, 252, 255, 166, 168 from gabled to hipped, in order to match the roofs of their associated units, which will provide further improvement to the street scene. An amended plan titled 956-P-201-V Felixstowe PH1A Site Layout (Sheet 2 of 3)? has been submitted. This will supersede the previously approved plan referenced 956-P-201 Felixstowe PH1A Site Layout (Sheet 2 of 3) Rev P

Local Authority
East Suffolk Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-material Amendment)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Amendment Dwelling Residential Discharge Garage
