Planning Application Details

East Suffolk Council - DC/23/4066/ADN

DC/23/4066/ADN | Non-Illuminated Advertisement Consent

The Sacred Heart Church Wymering Road Southwold Suffolk IP18 6AG

Non Illuminated Advertisement - A traditional church notice board consisting of two display areas each 841mm x 594mm. The left hand area carrying permanent information such as contact details and the timing of services. The right hand area comprises an opening glass fronted display for temporary notices. Above is a shaped header board carrying the name of the church.The notice board is made of powder coated metal and coloured maroon. (See attached photographs and diagrams). The Board will be located on the west side of the entrance path in a location similar to that of the previous historic board removed in the 1980s.

Local Authority
East Suffolk Council
Advertisement consent (Non-Illuminated Advertisement Consent)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
