Planning Application Details

Enfield Council - 22/02098/RM

22/02098/RM | Reserved Matters

Meridian Water Former Gas Holder Site Leeside Road London N18

Details of Reserved Matters (scale, layout, access, external appearance and landscaping) for 274 units in respect of Plot Z02-01 within buildings from 10 to 16 storeys in height pursuant to condition 4 of outline planning permission 19/02718/RE3 dated 31st March 2022 for development of Phase 2 of Meridian Water comprising residential, Purpose Built Student Accommodation and/or Large-Scale Purpose-Built Shared Living; hotel, commercial development; retail, social infrastructure, a primary school, hard and soft landscaping, new public open spaces including equipped areas for play, sustainable drainage systems, car parking provision, and formation of new pedestrian and vehicular access (all matters reserved). Application includes details pursuant to condition 9 (design code compliance), 11 (detailed phasing plan), 15 (Flooding), 23 (Air Quality), 27 (Architectural Detail), 29 (Shopfront/signage strategy for retail/leisure/community space), 31 (Green Procurement Plan), 32 (Surface water/infiltration and drainage management plan ), 35 (Archaeology), 36 (Schedule of tenure/mix per phase), 37 (Compliance with inclusive access requirements M4(2) (90%) and M4(3) (10%), 39 (Public realm strategy - hard and soft landscaping/traffic calming/ street furniture etc), 43 (Meanwhile security and condition), 47 (Details of biodiverse/green roofs per phase in compliance with Design Code/ongoing maintenance and management), 48 (Biodiversity enhancements per phase), 49 (Energy statement per phase, to include overheating and cooling), 50 (Renewable Energy Technologies-provision/maintenance/noise assessment per phase), 52 (detailed assessment of wind effects and related mitigation), 53 (Agent of Change), 54 (Daylight/Sunlight), 57 (Cycle parking), 58 (Car parking), 60 (Details of all access points to the site - materials/detailing) 61 (Refuse Facilities), 63 (Sound Insulation), 76 (Urban Greening Factor), 77 (Fire Statement) and 80 (EIA compliance).

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Reserved matters (Reserved Matters)
Approved (Granted With Conditions)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Landscaping Residential Accommodation Shop
