Planning Application Details

Hammersmith & Fulham - 2021/03936/FR3

2021/03936/FR3 | Full Regulation 3 - LBHF is Developer

49 Brook Green London W6 7BJ

Installation of an external plant room to house air course heat pumps to the south of the building, erection of 1m high timber fence above the existing brick wall fronting Brook Green; demolition of the existing brick boundary wall to east of the building to accommodate the installation of 3no.air source heat pumps, erection of 3m high timber fence to the east perimeter of the air source heat pumps. (Revised Description).

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Full planning consent (Full Regulation 3 - LBHF is Developer)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Fence Boundary House
