Planning Application Details

Hammersmith & Fulham - 2022/00303/DET

2022/00303/DET | Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline

11 Royal Parade Dawes Road London SW6 7RE

Submission of details of the cycle store fixtures/fittings to serve the areas shown for this purpose on the approved plans, pursuant to Condition 7; details of refuse storage, including provision for the storage of recyclable materials, to serve the areas shown for this purpose on the approved plans, pursuant to Condition 8; details of a scheme to ensure that all occupiers, other than those with disabilities who are blue badge holders, have no entitlement to parking permits from the council and to ensure that occupiers are informed, prior to occupation, of such restriction, pursuant to Condition 11; details of the Zero Emission MCS certified Air/ Water Source Heat Pumps or Electric Boilers to be provided for space heating and hot water for each of the three residential units, pursuant to Condition 14; and details of an enhanced sound insulation value DnT,w and L'nT,w of at least 5dB above the Building Regulations value, for the floor/ceiling/wall structures separating different types of rooms/ uses in adjoining dwellings, pursuant to Condition 16 of planning permission reference: 2021/02774/FUL dated 3rd December 2021.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Dwelling Residential
