Planning Application Details

Hammersmith & Fulham - 2022/03516/DET

2022/03516/DET | Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline

Land At Rigeley Mews London

Submission of details and samples of all materials to be used on the external faces of the building, including walls, roof coverings, windows and doors, pursuant to Condition 3; details including drawings in plan and elevation at a scale of 1:20 and details of material, colour and finish, of the new vehicle gates proposed for the Letchford Gardens entrance to the site, pursuant to Condition 4; details and a sample of the obscured glazing to be installed in those windows at first floor level (as indicated on the approved drawings), pursuant to Condition 5; details and detailed drawings, at a scale of no less than 1:20, of typical bays on each elevation of the building in plan, section and elevation, pursuant to Condition 6; full details of the green roof system to be used including vertical sections through the green roof, as well as a maintenance plan, pursuant to Condition 10; and details of a statement of how "Secured by Design" requirements are to be adequately achieved for the development, pursuant to Condition 18 of planning permission reference: 2018/01943/FUL dated 13th March 2020.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Roof Development Windows
