Planning Application Details

Hammersmith & Fulham - 2022/02484/VAPO

2022/02484/VAPO | Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation

24 - 26 Stanlake Villas London W12 7EX

Variation of the Section 106 Agreement attached to planning permission reference: 1998/01902/FUL dated 6th November 1998, by the deletion of the MIP clause contained at 5.1.5 of the Section 106 Agreement and replace with the pro forma "SWG" wording. This is required in order to meet current lender requirements for charging at MVST. Amend paragraph 5.1.5 to include the following persons within the exclusion clause: Persons who have exercised a right to buy, including a preserved right to buy, and the right to acquire; Persons who have been granted a shared ownership Lease and have subsequently staircased to 100%; Mortgagees, chargees and successors in title of the persons listed above. Delete clause 5.1.6 which prevents disposal under 5.1.5 unless additional car parking spaces have been provided. Our client has confirmed that there 5 designated parking spaces at the development which meets the minimum requirements for planning.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Development
