Planning Application Details

Hammersmith & Fulham - 2023/01471/CLP

2023/01471/CLP | Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Wormholt Park Primary School 37 Bryony Road London W12 0SR

Playground safeguarding works to Wormholt Park Primary School, including installation of 2no. new gates to existing gate openings on Erica Street to match main entrance gate like for like on Bryony Road. (standard gate/door opening approx. 1m width and 2m in height); installation of new fencing to playground areas to separate from staff car parking space, including the addition of new pedestrian and vehicular access gates, with all fencing and gates will be 1.8m in height or below; and works will include making good of existing surfaces, including re-surfacing of existing tarmac hardstanding ground where disturbed and damaged.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Lawful Development Certificate (LDC) (Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
