Planning Application Details

Hammersmith & Fulham - 2023/02729/OBS

2023/02729/OBS | Observations to Other Borough

R/O Greenend Road Car Park South End Of Warple Way London

Application for a Minor Material Amendment (S73.a) to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission ref: 193680FUL dated 06/07/2022 for: Redevelopment to provide part three, part four storey building accommodating 42 self-contained residential units (5 x one bedroom, 37 x two bedroom) with the provision of 145 parking spaces (103 of which are retained as part of the Old Factory Quarter Section 106 Agreement) at ground and basement level; provision of open space, communal amenity space, cycle parking, landscaping and associated works. Variation seeks to supersede plans labelled 'Affordable Housing' and also seeks a deed of variation to the legal agreement associated with the permission, namely to amend Part 3 of the First Schedule of the deed which relates to affordable housing.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Observations to Other Borough)
(Objection Raised to Proposal (OBS only))
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Landscaping Residential
