Planning Application Details

Hammersmith & Fulham - 2023/02959/NMAT

2023/02959/NMAT | Non-Material Amendment Submission

38 Stanlake Road London W12 7HL

Non-material amendments to planning permission reference: 2020/03050/FUL dated 4th May 2022 for the "Erection of a part one, part two storey rear extension at lower ground, upper ground floor levels, to the side and rear of the existing back addition; erection of a part one, part two storey side extension at lower ground and upper ground floor levels, to the side of the building; installation of a glazed balustrade, in connection with the formation of a roof terrace on the flat roof at first floor level of the proposed part one, part two rear extension; installation of a new door to replace existing window to the rear elevation at first floor level, to provide access to the proposed roof terrace; demolition of the existing outbuilding. (Amended description as per drawing received 24.09.2021)." Amendments sought are: 1. To change the existing lower ground floor front bay window into a door opening 2. To construct a store in the lower ground floor garden, and a refuse bin store at pavement level to the front garden 3. To insert a flat roof window to the new roof over the lower ground floor side extension at the rear 4. To insert a flat roof window in the existing flat roof over the upper ground floor entrance lobby 5. To increase the size of the proposed door opening at the rear of the first floor, leading to the balcony 6. To insert two new roof windows to the main roof, one in the front slope and one in the rear slope 7. To introduce an enclosure for an air conditioner condenser unit

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment Submission)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
Extension Erection Demolition Roof Windows
