Planning Application Details

High Peak Borough Council - HPK/2021/0347

HPK/2021/0347 | Full Planning - Small-scale MAJOR apps

3, Temple Road, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 9BA

Conversion, alterations and extensions to existing hotel/residential building to form a total of 10 new apartments, 3 cottages and 2 townhouses including an extension to building to create one of new townhouse, demolition of existing garage; and improvements to existing access points on Temple Road and College Road; formation of new car park; hard and soft landscaping; and other associated works, including engineering operations.

Local Authority
High Peak Borough Council
Full planning consent (Full Planning - Small-scale MAJOR apps)
Approved (Planning Permission - Approved)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Demolition Conversion Landscaping Residential Flat Garage
