Planning Application Details

Horsham District Council - DC/23/0069

DC/23/0069 | Removal of condition

Former Longfield House East Street Rusper West Sussex

Variation of condition A to previously approved application DC/14/0413 (Erection of two detached dwellings and garages (to the rear of the site) and revisions to approved dwelling (permitted under DC/12/0353 dated 16/04/2012) together with a new access road)) to allow for amendments include changes to the internal layout of the dwellings, resulting in Plot 2 becoming a 5-bed (previously 4-bed) property, with associated fenestration changes and the increase in size of the permitted garages serving both Plots 2 and 3 to include first floor home office space.

Local Authority
Horsham District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Removal of condition)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Dwelling Windows Office House
