Planning Application Details

Lambeth Council - 21/02194/NMC

21/02194/NMC | Non Material Change - Minor Amendment

Arches 107-122 Brad Street And Wootton Street London

Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission ref: 20/02677/VOC (Variation of condition 11 (Deliveries) of planning permission 02/03247/FUL (as amended in respect of Condition 18 (opening hours of the A3 use within Arch 122) by planning permission 04/00926/FUL granted on 15.07.2004 and as also amended in the same terms by appeal decision APP/N5660/A/04/1146484 dated 08.11.2004) (Change of use of railway arch units 107 to 122 to provide a mix of food and drink (use class A3), offices (use class B1), and leisure (use class D2) and the erection of a glazed front elevation to Wootton Street, installation of glazed frontages within arches fronting Brad Street, installation of CCTV cameras and roller shutter doors, two storey extension to arch unit 122 in existing enclosed yard fronting Cornwall Road and Wootton Street, installation of mezzanine floor levels to arch units 107 - 115b and 119 - 121, and associated external works to adjacent public highway and publicly access private road) granted on 22.09.2003.) Granted on 10.03.2021. Amendment sought: To vary the wording of Condition 36 to read as follows: "No deliveries shall be made to or received from the Brad or Wootton Street entrances to 7 Wootton Street using any form of wheeled roll cage trolleys between the hours of 5.45am and 8am daily for the duration of the use".

Local Authority
Lambeth Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Change - Minor Amendment)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Erection Variation Amendment Office
