Planning Application Details

Lambeth Council - 22/01107/S106

22/01107/S106 | Variation to Section 106 Agreement

Tesco Stores, 275 Kennington Lane And 145-149 Vauxhall Street London SE11

Application for Deed of Variation to the Section 106 Agreement associated with planning permission 20/02203/VOC (Variation of Conditions 2 (Approved Plans) and 70 (Quantum of Development) of planning permission 18/02597/EIAFUL (Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed-use development comprising the erection of 3 new buildings (Plot A,B,C) ranging from 4-17 storeys to provide residential (Class C3), a replacement Tesco store (Class A1), office (Class B1) and flexible commercial floorspace (Classes A1, A2, A3 or B1)) granted 30.03.2021 as amended by 19/03649/NMC and 20/00786/NMC Variation sought: Increase level of affordable housing from 35% to 38.7% and amend tenure and dwelling mix as set out in para 4.2 of this report.

Local Authority
Lambeth Council
Other (Variation to Section 106 Agreement)
Approved (Grant Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Development Dwelling Residential Office
