Planning Application Details

Lambeth Council - 22/01206/EIAFUL

22/01206/EIAFUL | Environmental Impact Assessment

Royal Street Site, South Bank London SE1 7LW

Demolition of the majority of existing buildings on Plots A, B, C & D including Canterbury House, Stangate House, 10 Royal Street and 20 Carlisle Lane; part retention of existing buildings on Plot E and change of use and refurbishment of the railway arches (Plot F); comprehensive phased redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed use development of buildings 12-16 storeys in height containing commercial floorspace (including lab enabled floorspace), residential, and flexible, retail, community and office floorspace; enhanced public realm and pedestrian routes; re-location of listed sculpture.

Local Authority
Lambeth Council
Other (Environmental Impact Assessment)
Approved (Grant Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Development Residential Office Shop House
