Planning Application Details

Lambeth Council - 23/02938/VOC

23/02938/VOC | Variation of Condition

Rear Of 260 Knight's Hill London SE27 0QA

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 20/02581/FUL (Erection of 2 x 3-storey terraces with roof top amenity space to provide 8 dwellinghouses and erection of a detached 2-storey building with basement to provide 130sqm of office (Use Class B1(a)) and a self-contained flat at first floor (Use Class C3), together with the provision of car parking spaces, cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping.), granted on 26/08/2021. Variation sought: To update the list of approved plans to reflect revisions to provide additional space to the wheelchair accessible flat and improve buildability.

Local Authority
Lambeth Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of Condition)
Refused (Refuse Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Roof Landscaping Office
