Planning Application Details

London Borough of Bexley - 16/01287/OUTMMIN

16/01287/OUTMMIN | Minor Amendment Application

Land At Binsey Walk Adjacent To Harrow Manorway London

Application for a non-material amendment to permission 16/01287/OUTM, comprising the amendment of Condition 3 to refer to revised plans to allow for the extension of the footprint of Block A, the parent permission being an outline application for demolition of existing buildings and hard standing, residential development of up to 329 units and up to 1,050 sq metres of commercial floorspace (with flexible uses across classes A1 - A4 (retail, financial and professional services, café and restaurants) and B1a (office) and D1 (community uses) and D2 (Boat Club), with all matters reserved, and associated works including, informal and formal open space, internal road network; landscaping; car and cycle parking; waste storage.

Local Authority
London Borough of Bexley
Other (Minor Amendment Application)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Demolition Amendment Development Landscaping Residential Office Shop
