Planning Application Details

London Borough of Bexley - 18/03154/FULMMIN03

18/03154/FULMMIN03 | Minor Amendment Application

Development At Arthur Street Arthur Street Erith Kent

Application for a non-material amendment to vary the wording of conditions 23 and 24 to allow the discharge of M4(2) and M4(3) building control requirements prior to the completion of buildings to the parent permission 18/03154/FULM. The parent permission being for the demolition of all existing buildings (excluding Warwick Court) and provision of 320 residential units in 5 blocks varying between three and nine storeys high, together with associated parking, cycle parking, hard and soft landscaping, play space, access and utilities. The scheme is subject to minor amendments as follows: Amendment to application site boundary; Minor changes to the public realm; Confirmation of temporary access arrangements for Warwick Court; Incorporation of bulky waste storage room within Block B; Inclusion of missing door to Block D plant room; Block B podium entrance pushed south to create a recessed entrance; Omissions of misplaced door swings on upper levels; Double door entry provision to all cycle stores; Removal of illustrative double stacker cycle storage equipment from each cycle store.

Local Authority
London Borough of Bexley
Other (Minor Amendment Application)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Amendment Landscaping Residential Discharge Boundary
