Planning Application Details

London Borough of Bexley - 19/01997/FULM01

19/01997/FULM01 | Details pursuant to Planning Condition

Lord Kitchener Public House 21 Wrotham Road Welling Kent DA16 1LS

Details of condition 3 (demolition structural drawings and method statement), 4 (materials strategy), 5 (materials and finishes), 6 (electric vehicle charging), 10 (bat/bird boxes), 11 (landscaping), 13 (cycle storage), 14 (travel plan), 15 (delivery and servicing management plan), 16 (bat survey), 22 (demolition and construction management plan) and 23 (parking spaces) pursuant to planning permission 19/01997/FULM for Change of use of the ground floor of the existing public house (A4) to retail (A1), conversion of the existing first and second floor and alterations and extensions including a two storey (with accommodation in the roof) rear extension to form 19 apartments comprising of 10 x 2 bed and 9 x 1 bed apartments with associated car and cycle parking.

Local Authority
London Borough of Bexley
Other (Details pursuant to Planning Condition)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Demolition Construction Roof Conversion Landscaping Flat Accommodation Shop House
