Planning Application Details

London Borough of Bexley - 22/00773/FUL01

22/00773/FUL01 | details reserved by condition

42 Slade Gardens Erith Kent DA8 2HT

Application to approve details of conditions 3(materials and finishes), 4(sustainable drainage), 5(construction management and logistics plan), 6(Biodiversity), 7(electric vehicle charging points), 8(vehicle parking layout), 9(Visibility splays), 10(refuse and recycling), 11(cycle storage), 12(soft landscaping), 13(water efficiency), 14(accessibility), 15(window locations), 16(window obscurring), 17(GPDO), 18(Tree protection) pursuant to application 22/00773/FUL for Erection of one pair of two bed semi-detached dwellings with access from Craydene Road, associated parking and amenity space.

Local Authority
London Borough of Bexley
Other (details reserved by condition)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Construction Dwelling Landscaping Windows Trees
